Monday, 29 April 2013



"DE ORIONS" Music Ministry comprises of five guys (Shilo, Ada, Paul, Samuel and Zacks). This five young men makeup the gospel rock band that Started some years back at the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria. DE ORIONS is a Rock Music Band committed in spreading the Good news of God's Kingdom through Music.
 As the name suggests, we are a rock band based in zaria for now, we are a music group brought by God to bring live to music ministry. The Orion is a Greek word biblicaly it is found in Job9:9 when God was talking about the wondrous things He made. Its a constellation, they are the brightest stars and don't  come out easily. they cant be seen without the aid of a telescope. Matt 5:14-16, Christ is the constellation that houses the stars, they get their source from God.

Olatunji Olasehinde of Da KingdomXploit In an exclusive interview brought to the fore the debut album of the Zaria-based Rock band "De Orions" which was released exactly a week ago.

DaKingdomXploit: First of all, congratulations on the release of your debut. So, Why Rock?

Orions: All form of music broke out from rock, biblically from the old testament (Psalm 33) there is always these talk of making loud, joyful noises, playing instrument skillfully to God. So its rock for us. We do slow rock, techno rock, pop rock and heavy metal.

DaKingdomXploit: Alura?

Orions: Literally it means Injection in Hausa language.

DaKingdomXploit: What is the basis?

Orions: The devil is a technical failure, we need a technical approach to disseminate him. There is a guilt after committing sin that hamper one's relationship with God, Everyone was scared of injection as a child, the devil has this injection he gives when you dance to his tune. Christ came to take away the yoke of sin, so the injection the devil gives is broken because we live by grace in Christ.

DaKingdomXploit: How many tracks in the "Alura" album?

Orions: 9 tracks

DaKingdomXploit: As a band which track is your favourite?

Orions: We can't pick anyone out, they are all our favourite; we all have the same reason about all the songs.

DaKingdomXploit: As students how do you balance school work with ministry?

Orions: We thank God for the kind of people in this band, we are not really academic fanatics, we have passion for what we do. Every star knows its importance, we've never really encouraged ourselves to study, our main drive is our ministry. We don't really have a time table to balance ministry and study, but we've experienced great success academically. We had to table our problems before God and HE has released grace unto us. We see ourselves as examples so we try to make good use of our time even though it's hard.

DaKingdomXploit: How often do you meet and are there rehearsal days?

Orions: We are disorganized in a formal way. Normal meetings are Wednesdays and Saturdays but sometimes we can meet all through the week, for now we meet in churches, before there were times we met under trees with our instruments.

DaKingdomXploit: When did the band start?

Orions: About 10yrs ago

DaKingdomXploit: Who are your mentors?

Orions: We like Hillsong, Planet Shakers, Newsboys just to mention a few.

DaKingdomXploit: Your dream for these project?

Orions: should covey the message of the album. Communicating the life of the album is our number one priority.

DaKingdomXploit: Your dreams for Orions as a ministry?

Orions: To host a concert on the ka'aba in Mecca but first the seven star hotel, We'll also host music conferences in the Nation, We would have a worship centre, Music Church, we would be taking over the entire Nigerian Music scene to affect generation.

DaKingdomXploit: Your message to your Audience?

Orions: Reflect on God in our message not us and also that we love them all {hugs}.

DaKingdomXploit: Thank you for hanging out with us and sharing light on your new album "Alura" and I pray that God establish you. See you at the top. God Bless.

You can connect with the Orions on Twitter @orionzassp and on Facebook @

the Album can be gotten at
The Godlife assembly Site (Gethsemane) beside NITT, Paladan Zaria, Kaduna- Nigeria

Get two free downloads of tracks in ALURA



Be Blessed


  1. blank

    Rock on guys... We love U. Otj.. Keep up d good work... More Grace.

  2. blank

    Kai! Dis is woooowww. Am proud of u guys. Otj, tnks 4 bringin it 2us


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