Friday, 16 August 2013

Man Arrested After Confessing Murder to His Pastor and Praying with Him All Night


Sometimes, the mistakes we make in life lie so heavy on our heart that we can’t let them go.  Confessing is one way to try to make things better, but it can also lead to consequences.

A man is accused of shooting two people in the Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago over the weekend.  He killed one of those men, and ended up turning himself in to police.

Lamont Grant is now going to be faced with one count of first-degree murder, attempted first degree murder and aggravated battery.

“He feels remorse for that,” said his grandmother, Cynthia Adams.

Rev. Corey Brooks, pastor of New Beginnings Church, said that the young man turned himself in to police after confessing his killings to the pastor and praying with him throughout the night.

“He wants me to give a message to [McNeal's] family because he really was distraught about what happened to Mr. McNeal,” Brooks said.

Ralph McNeal was one of the victims of Grant’s attacks.   Brooks says that Grant suffers from mental disorders and had not been taking his medication.

“Turning a brother into the police for shooting and killing two people we just prayed I gave him the plan of salvation he accepted,” Brooks wrote on Twitter. “We prayed at the church now we on our way to the police station.”


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