Friday, 6 September 2013



Praiseworld Radio, Africa’s foremost Online Gospel Radio station is set to host a first-of-its-kind event branded “Praiseworld Radio Unplugged” on Sunday, September 15. This unique event which will take place at Church 3:16, Lagos aims to bring the ‘radio experience’ to a LIVE audience, featuring make-shift radio shows duplicated before the audience.

According to Olutola Omoniyi, Head of the Praiseworld team, the idea behind Praiseworld Radio Unplugged is to give regular and prospective listeners a real and tangible experience of what goes on at the radio station.

“The concept behind Praiseworld Radio, amongst other aims, is to bring us even closer to our listeners by showing them what they watch on daily basis, it’s going to be more like ‘WATCHING THE RADIO SHOWS’”, said Olutola.
“We also desire Brand Awareness for Praiseworld Radio as well as Church 3:16. The bottom line however is to set young adults on the path God wants them to be using Spirit-filled sanctified content.” he stated
The event is scheduled to kick off at 10am on Sunday, September 15, 2013 at Church 3:16, the Youth Church of Fountain Of Life Church located at Darlington Hall, Plot CDE, Industrial Estate Crescent, Ilupeju (Beside PZ, Off Town Planning, Ilupeju)

Praiseworld Radio Unplugged, which will be broadcast live to the rest of the world, as a 60minutes show will include some of your favorite radio shows, DJ Mixes, special guest appearance, interviews and a couple of surprises.

Praiseworld Radio Unplugged also serves as a strategy to divert the passion of young adults from negative entertainment/media content into the excellent quality, spirit-filled sanctified media content.

Praiseworld Radio is Africa’s #1 Online Gospel Radio Station based in Lagos, Nigeria, a radio station dedicated to broadcasting pure urban gospel content round the clock. PRAISEWORLD RADIO delivers gospel entertainment that is both hip and urban, employing programming techniques that appeal to internet savvy, trendy and hip young adults who yearn for contemporary gospel music that they can relate with.
You can tune in to Praiseworld Radio by logging on to or downloading the mobile apps via Blackberry Appworld or Android Google Play Store.
Real time updates concerning the event can be followed on Twitter via the hashtag: #PraiseworldRadioUnplugged


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