Friday, 18 October 2013

SPIRIT_MODE - Kryptic ft. Greatman [Free Download]


Emmanuel Ejiga, goes by d stage name kryptic, a student of F.U.T Minna studyin geology, started rhyming in 2008; found christ and joind d rap group of ywap, soulflame in 2012 and has reppin christ thru rhymes ever since

In a time where Christian Ministers around  the globe are steping up their music acts to gain the reception of music lovers from various genres, comes these MC's set to cause colossal damage to every power standing against the work of Christ on earth. Armed with flow & delivery Kryptic [@Krypt4kraist] invites lyrical henchman and fellow SoulFlame 'r Greatman [ @greatmantakiti1 ] whose unbelievable rap skills brings the message on this track to life. #SpritMode tells of the power we have in the HolySpirit, whose guidance enables us live godly moves.    

  TWITTER >>> @krypt4kraist


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