{WRITE UP} "Chronicles of a Misfit" by J.Clone
This is the idea, I have always hated being 'trapped in the closet' by certain rules. I grew with the desire to explore and find out new things about myself, people around me, my environment. I learnt some really nasty things that Grace had to help me unlearn and I thank God for its restorative power. Came from an orthodox background and many a times I've answered the question "How do you manage to do hip hop under such system?" but more so, I grew with an innate love for music (especially rap music) and I have had challenges with my style and the church which has only helped me discover more interesting things about myself and the gift God has given me.

I could have (like several other youngsters) had enough reasons to scrap-off my song books and probably focus on playing the drums (which I do most Sundays when there are no other options....lollll) but I found strength when I was most weak and some of my favourite songs came from such experiences. Whenever I'm privileged to talk to young dudes like me, I always like to tell them not to allow anything shoot them down or let them remain in their shells, not even the fear of surviving in a new world. Cause here, our survival is not a question of adaptation but of Grace. God allows us to be stretched sometimes but by His grace (Knowing our elastic limit, as the bible says he cannot put us in situations we cannot handle) the end product is a 'refined gold'. So in your uniqueness, find joy. Love to discover and create. Pray for the people around you especially those that don't like what you do and let God have His way.
FF @jclonee
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