Sunday, 14 July 2013

{New Music} "BE STILL MY SOUL" By Hymn Culture


Hymns are possibly the most sacred of Christian worship music. They have lasted through the ages of the church and have enjoyed variations and colorations of different sorts, well known for provoking a sense of mirthful praise, reverential fear, or weighty instructiveness
Hymn Culture powered by "Definition Studios" brings the HYMN OF THE MONTH to folks who love hymns and who probably miss it because they haven’t heard it in a while. There will be one beautiful soul inspiring hymn made available every month, with the hope of helping you draw closer to God
We would like to think that the monthly hymns are like the new fruits produced monthly in Revelations 22:2… for the healing of the nation
“Right down the middle of the street, The Tree of life was planted on each side of the river, producing twelve kinds of fruit , a ripe fruit each month, the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations”..(MSG)
To be released anytime from now,THANKS and God bless

You can like us on
Facebook: hymnculture
Produced by: @g_z_a_c




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